Monday, April 23, 2007


I rode yesterday. I think I rode 2-3 weeks ago. It wasn't much of a ride. But I can't seem to get really up for a ride or exercise.

I am thinking of proposing that I work for a new firm. I am asking to be a partner. Maybe? Do I really want to work that hard? I am exhausted now. I will email him and maybe we can get together. Other than that, I am thinking that I really need to refocus on completing my work that I have on my plate now. I am getting close to having some free time right around the corner. Then maybe I can move towards getting back to exercising.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

2 monitors shipped

2 monitors shipped. I will get them tomorrow. The box (Mac PRO) will ship by April 19 - 23. I will get on April 23-27. That will be no later than next Friday. I am still cleaning in my office. I am shreding and filing.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Bit the bullet

Bit the bullet. Life is too short. Time for a new PC cept mine will have (2) monitors. It should be here by this time next week.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Been a year!!!!!

Last year at this time things were different. I was coming off three months after working a lot of hours. I was attempting to get myself back in shape. I was recovering from graduating college as an adult and I had done it in 5 years. Then I found out one year ago by phone call that I was accepted into the Hawaii Ironman by lottery. My year started there. I got my fat ass in shape, went through injuries, had my 15 minutes of fame. I went on TV, and I had a big article published in the local paper.

I travelled more than I ususally did. I finished it up by ordering and taking deleviry on an 07 Porsche 911.

I am glad that I am have not been selected to compete in the Hawaii Ironman this year. I didn't apply. It is such an event. It is big. It is hard. It takes everything and all of your time. Perhaps again, but not right now.

I am different because of triathlon, but I am thinking that I can take the lessons away with me. I think that I have gotten most out of what triathlon has to teach one about themselves. There is little left to learn at this point in my life.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gonna be a great day

Wifie is feeling better today. She pulled through. The day can't help but being a great day. Wifie is on her way through recovery.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wifie is going through a rough time

My wife is laying in the living room downstairs. She is in pain and is losing hope.

It all started on Thursday when her illness flared up. She got in to see her new doctor who is attempting to correctly diagnose her. Her doctor is using trial and error on her medication. Well she progressively got worse over the weekend. She could hardly stand it. We finally got in to see the doctor yesterday. She was upbeat and got a shot. Well wifie got up this morning and she feels as if she is worse. I am going downstairs now and see if I can comfort her and see what I can do and what tack we will take today. Please let things get better today.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Should change the name of my blog


I am not doing Triathlon.

I am not in school.

I am not into fitness - I went all week without doing any excecise.

I have just been working.

I have officially come full circle.

Work = money, stress, sucks up lots and lots of time, creates frustration
Fitness = healthy lifestyle, self confidence, fullfillment, stress remover, sucks up lots of time, costs money.
School = new ideas, expands your thinking, meet new people, healthy
Family = healthy lifestyle, - the reason we are put on the planet.

They all seem to pull in different directions. The answer is right in front of me. I need to rebalance my lifestyle so can have a little bit of everything.

I can have it all. I just cannot have excess of any - the idea: balance

Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's sleeting

It's April and it is sleeting right now. I was sweating my ass off a few days ago. I will be sweating in a few more days. Tommorow is Easter Sunday and it will be cold. We are normally running around in shorts soaking up the sun. We will be huddled in our coats tomorrow.

I have made it up to 2005 regarding my cost basis calculations. It has taken me weeks. This is a pretty miserable way to spend weekends. Wifie is downstairs watching a movie. It is not one of her better days. I sure hope that she starts feeling better. Get better wifie.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good / Bad Friday

Preparing to go to work as soon as I finish writing this.

No excercise this week. I made it through this week. Just work and go home. I did spend a little time working on my sudoku programming solution. I really just buil the fundamental parts. I am leaning towards a brute force solution. But I am not sure how I am going to attack that one. I have already built in parts to eliminate the easy known eliminations (which is probably over half of the possibilities.

I had a much easier week at work. Deadlines are approaching and work is filtering towards completion. Moving on...

Now I have more finances to look towards this weekend. And taxes are fast approaching. I hope I don't owe alot.

And a good friday to you to.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April 1st - now in month of April

Last year I didn't write much during Feb, Mar and April. I was too busy working. This is leading me to believe that my job is seasonal - OR - I got accepted in the lottery - and I made a decision. I have already made a decision and I am not too far off from reaping the rewards of that decision.

I am excercising less and less. I have quit school. I am giving up all of the things that I like for work.

Soon I will be free. Perserverence.