Friday, August 17, 2007

When you have reached all of your goals

I am nearly 50 years old. I now have all that I wanted when I was younger. Now what? It shows that what I lusted after when I was a kid is really not that important. But I attained the goals. It is better to know than to wonder. The smart know this without attainment.

Now I must learn from the wife. She is entering a phase of wisdom that is ions furthur developed than myself. Maybe it was her exposure to sickness that advanced her? I hope to learn from her.

My ankle is not doing well. I am convinced I need help from the medical profession.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Things, cconfusion, emotions

Numero uno: Wifie has been well for a few weeks. I am very excited about this.

Numero dos: I am tired. I cannot seem to get excited about much of anything. At this point in my life I have finally reached the point that I am tired. I like naps! I hate to do home maintenance.

Numero tres: I have made much progress on paying for my Porsche. But! I am not finished paying for it. I have financial obligations. I may be offered a job this week that I may not be able to afford to take because of the obligations to this car. The job might be an asset to my future though? I may have to make a hard decision soon.

I may start to not worry much about the future in the future. Other people seem to somehow float through life! But, when I compare myself to others, I seem to be doing exponentially better.

My weight has been a pretty steady 165-166. I have been eating better at work. I am eating more. I am eating out about once a week with wifie. Last week I was alcohol free for two days. I expect to equal or better that this week.

I only ran two miles last week. Achillies was feeling good, but it was bothering me last night. I massaged it with a golf ball which made it feel good, but it is more sore this morning. I only cycled 100 miles this weekend, so maybe cycling aggravates it?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Fell off the wagon last week.

Friday - swam 75% of my workout
Thursday - walked 2.5 miles
Wed: - walked 2.5 miles
Tue: rode 30 miles
Monday: nada