When you have reached all of your goals
I am nearly 50 years old. I now have all that I wanted when I was younger. Now what? It shows that what I lusted after when I was a kid is really not that important. But I attained the goals. It is better to know than to wonder. The smart know this without attainment.
Now I must learn from the wife. She is entering a phase of wisdom that is ions furthur developed than myself. Maybe it was her exposure to sickness that advanced her? I hope to learn from her.
My ankle is not doing well. I am convinced I need help from the medical profession.
Now I must learn from the wife. She is entering a phase of wisdom that is ions furthur developed than myself. Maybe it was her exposure to sickness that advanced her? I hope to learn from her.
My ankle is not doing well. I am convinced I need help from the medical profession.