Saturday, March 07, 2009

Thoughts about iPhone development

Day 1: 5 sales
Day 2: 1 sale
Day 3: 6 sales

I was responsible for a lot of day 1, all of day two, and maybe all of day 3 (I spammed some emailers).

So I will wait and see what my sales are like next week. I need to tighten up my web page.

so my average sales = 4 per day = $14/day. I wish I could count on a set amount.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

1st day of iPhone sales


I sold 5 units @ $3.50 = $17.50


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Great News!

My application should go on sale today at the Apple iTunes store. A lot of hard work with little sleep was required. I still have to twek and manage my web page to support my application. There is much work ahead.

I need to decide if I am going to continue development of iPhone applications.

Now that I am done. A few thoughts. The process was both expensive and inexpensive. I know it will be worthwhile. I challenged my patience, my programming experience, my learning ability.

Would I recommend it: Yes. But, this like everything else, is not easy. It requires time, money, energy and commitment.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Weekend report

Saturday 5 miles, Sunday 4 miles. Today there ain't going to be any. It's too cold and the end of cold is near. Yesterday: Elmwood classic