Finally back to 165 AND Life is FRAGILE

After many days of creeping up past 165, I am back down to 165. Now if I can get down to 160....
Anyway, when I am finished with my day of work, I am tired and want to go home. But on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a computer forensics class scheduled. Last night I did not want to go, but I went anyway. I am always glad that I went afterwards. I am not sure if I will use any of this stuff, but hopefully I can see how big brother can watch me.
I only feel sorry for the poor and unsuspecting.
Which reminds me, I think I need to get my own space for this blog. I don't trust these kinds of sites anymore.
Anyway, I get home and wifie is telling me about her medical problems. I am hoping she can somehow get this thing sorted out with the help of doctors. Life is fragile.
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