Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Revision to the blog page!

OK! I added new data on the right over there which will help me keep track of the miles of swimming, biking, and running that I log. What's that, no swimming and biking? Nope, not yet any way. Look for some swimming yardage and weight training to be added to the regiem(sp) in December. Every time I mis-spell a word like the previous sentance in this blog, it makes me think of those English classes I took over the past few years. They used to cut up my papers with all types of redmarks, they attempted to make the students feel soooo stupid. I laugh to myself at their ignorance to the rest of the world. How can all of those professors live with the rest of us as we leave trails of mis-spelled words, dangling participles, comma splices and sentence fragments? Ha-ha, take that u Enlish profeser, I am ass ulting the Enlish lungage un porpise!

Anyhow, as I reflect on the closure of what actually has been a really nice life over the past five years (part-time and no-time working), I am dreading going back to work full time. The moolah will be nice, but the lack of freedom will be a drag. Hopefully, I can be wise enough to stay debt free, therefore will not lose real freedom. The right to choose not to work. I am weighing this decision as I entertain the idea of sporting around in a new 2006 911.

As I am down to less than three weeks of freedom, I enjoyed a beautiful run this morning on MY LEVEE; which I share with only a few others. I did my regular ez seven miles. I feel for those poor soles that do not take the time to enjoy those damn sunrises that I can never seem to get enough of. It is my life and I will choose the path that my life takes. Slow down and smell the roses.


Blogger Recovering Alumni said...

I thought you were looking forward to being done with school?

Don't go into debt!! You are right,it will take away your freedom.

8:03 AM  

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