Yep - making progress!

Yesterday (Friday) ran the levee course and eleven miles. That is the furthest (sp?) I have run since May. It was getting a little tedious and brought back memories of long distance running. I chaffed in many places. It never fails, I always forget to vasaline certain areas (ouch) that get rubbed raw from friction and sweat during those long runs. The course is pretty nice. I enclosed an shot from the air of the famous Luling bridge that I run under and the view of the start of the "BIKE path". The path is 56 miles round trip with no stopping. It is a fantastic place to ride, and they are getting to make it longer. The great mighty Mississippi on one side and scenic river road on the other. Lots of cyclists and joggers on the path. Other than that the run was pretty fun. I usually run at dawn, except yesterday I was busy interviewing for a new position, so I had to run during the afternoon. Change of pace - I like change. Since I did a long one yesterday, I can just do maybe a four miler today.
Yo Tri Portal,
I feel your pain on the chafing thing. My nipples rubbed raw on Sunday during my Half Ironman. OUCH! Cool blog, I'll be checking in more often. Take care
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