Monday, October 09, 2006

Life is easy

Couldn't sleep much tonight. Woke up with anxiety. Conciousness brings back positivity though.

Saturday's workout turned out well. The 70 mile bike, 13 mile run turned out to be relatively easy. There was wind, but no heat. The heat on Kona concerns me. I am fortunate, because there is no place like New Orleans in July. It is hot and humid.

Yesterday, I took it easy and swam a mile, then laid out at the pool for awhile.

This morning I am going to swim an interval workout with the masters and do some stretching.

I need to cut back on food intake over the next two weeks and think positive thoughts.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Exactly two weeks till race day

Where did the time go? I am entering into the easiest part of racing. The two weeks prior. This is a time for reflection. What did I do good, bad, and otherwise. Focus, positive, mental thoughts.

I am reading and making notes, organizing so that I can make sure everything is in order when I leave.

I am nervous.

I am wondering, will this be one of the most memorable experiances of my life?

I know todays workout will be. I am riding then running 13 miles. I know that will be successful. It will be difficult, it will hurt, but not that much. It will build confidence on whats coming.

Friday, October 06, 2006

3 more big workouts and I'm done

Today is one of my 3 biggies. I will swim masters and then ride 50.

Tommorrow: I will ride 100 + run 13.

Tuesday I will run my 18.

That will officially start my taper. Many would say that my taper should have already started, but I still feel good.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday - clock never stops ticking

It is Thursday and I am out of time. I will run 6 and do a spin class. I will go to work for four hours and head back home to get my bike. I will then head to Audubon Park where me and another athelete who is going to Kona will get our picture taken.

My bed is made and my training is done. I have a couple more long workouts and it is time to head to Kona.

I will be relieved when it is over.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More grounbreaking.

Thursday I am getting interviewed by the local paper about the hawaii race. Cool eh?

Yesterday I did my 18 miler run and am quite pleased about my fitness level. Monday I swam like I will do again today. Tommorow I will run and spin, then take off early to do the interview and photo shoot. Not too much else except motivate myself for my big ride this weekend, and long run early next week.

It has been a journey.

Monday, October 02, 2006

1998 was the year that I did my first tri.

8 years ago I did my first triathlon. 1998 Demolitionman.

A lot has happenend along the way. I enter my last week of heavy training prior to the BIG race. I will try and enjoy it. I think that this may be the end of the tri stuff for me. I think that it is time. It has been an incredable life changing journey. I am glad I had an opportunity.

This morning I will swim.

Last weeks running totals:
Monday nada
Tuesday 18
Wed nada
Thur 6
Fri nada
Sat 9
Sun 7
18 + 6 = 24 + 9 = 33 + 7 = 40

I am getting in 40 milers. Cool.

I plan on running 18-20 tommorrow.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Success in my long workout

Yesterday's goal was to ride 100 and run 9. The last two weeks I was unsuccessful on these workouts. I was losing confidence. Yesterday I was successful. The run was mostly comfortable, but it was quickly starting to hurt.

Next week, I will attempt 12 miles after my ride and that will be it. I will shut it down after that.

I am psyched. I hope that nextt week will be good too.