Dinner tonight & MGMarathon tomorrow

Yesterday after my morning wworkout and a half day at work - went to the dress shop with wifie. She had fun shopping. This marks three days that I went with her to look at dresses. This hopefully will rank me Waayyyy up there. Dres shopping is well pretty boring for me.
Today a big dinner - but a work dinner. I am trying to work on my social skills. I also have to run down to a premier suit store and pick up my new suits that I purchased.
So this morning's duties: Work out, bank, pick up suit, back home to iron clothes and assess evrything is in order. Maybe I will find time for a nap or something. Then to our fancy dinner party.
Porsche news: Salesman said that boat finally docked. It should not be long now. My anxiety about the aero kit is growing. I hope I did not make a HUGH MISTAKE. Anyway car is not really for daily driving, but I would like to be able to drive it in and out of my driveway.
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