$1350 per month for sixty months.

Monday was hectic - full of frustration about not getting my car. Tuesday - same.
Wednesday - did my workout, then back home to get wifie. We ended up having breakfast at a coffee shop while waiting for the bank to open. Then we headed down to the dealership to pick up the car. The dealership really dissapointed me. The car was not detailed. The dealership was pretty much - well a drag. Talk about ruining the whole experiance.
Oh yeah - this baby can be yours for the very reasonable price of ONLY $1350 per month. Thats only $43.50 per day or $1.81 per hour or $0.03 per minute. A bargain!
I chickened out on putting a super hugh deposit. I need to decide on paying this baby off as fast as possible or banking my extra and paying back the loan over the present schedule life. Decisions!
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