Friday, November 23, 2007

Another Thanksgiving - come and gone

Things to do today:

Go to Home Depot - get wall plates and new receptacle for server installation. - Done
Need to run cable [(internet), lan cable, - assign to TV people] and new electrical (done).

Move firewall, wireless router, cable modem, battery backup and server into closet (after TV people).

Get new battery back-up for upstairs.

Decide about ipod battery replacement - Jury is still out. It looks as if a re-boot has given me a little additional time. I backed up the IPOD; now I have to back up the back-up.

Study some more security.

Draw the network diagram.

Call Apple about failing hard drive.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving and what a great day it is! I am here alone. Wifie went to pick up Mom-in-law. Wifie is well. My family all seems OK. Bills are paid. Cat seems content. I seem to be handling my life well. My heel pain is manageable. I ran 3.5 miles today. The weather sucks, but what the hell.

And my file server is up and running. I am focusing on being a geek.

Two years ago I started blogging - really just a diary.

Two years ago, I was really flustered because I was trying to graduate college. The hurricane was still a day-to-day thing. The experience still stings. I really was tested. I was thinking of buying a Porsche.

Last year was the big disappointments from son. But I had a blast with the family.

Things that I am presently working on:
Being a geek
Learning AutoCAD - well - expert level
Learning AutoPLANT - expert level
Learning networking - administer home network
Learning how to teach others
Learning about managing CAD workstations.
Learning how to give back
Learning how to give.
Driving my Porsche
Learning about Porsche's
Trying to again be physically fit.
Try not to injure myself while I become physically fit.
Attempt to keep myself financially independent.
Be a good Grandpa, son, husband, cat owner, etc.

Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Things are still going OK

Thanksgiving is a few days away. I ran 2 consecutive 3 milers and I am OK. I could have extended my mileage out, but why take the chance? Next week I am thinking I will try 3.5 miles.

I find I am busy all the time.

Got to get rid of furniture and TV to make room for the new TV. Got to go to a retirement party. Got to do Thanksgiving. Got to put another power receptacle in the wall. I am moving a lot of computer equipment in my closet and I am worried about the heat.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Report after 3 miles

Kind of bad news!

Wed I ran 3 miles and my left pf started hurting. Yesterday it was raining, my foot hurt, so I skipped. I am going to try and run 3 today.

Ironman coming to New Orleans

I was excited! Then thoughts of swimming in the lake popped in my head. I am going to look and see what kind of rain predictions there are for that month. Rain = bad in Lake Ponchatrain

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

report after a day off

Yesterday I walked 4 miles. I am feeling good this morning. I am looking forward to running my 3 miles this morning.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I ran 3 miles X 2 days

This morning I am walking. I ran twice 3 miles. Things are still sore in the morning. I think I might actually lick this thing. If I can stay patient, maybe I can run the CCC.

If I run 15 miles this week, next week, I can do 16.5 and so on and so on.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Feet are feeling good

Last year at this time - I had done the CCC Fall classic and injured my foot, which I am currently healing. I am a year later. I am attempting to do 3 miles this morning of jogging. I decided to skip biking yesterday. Biking seems to aggravate my condition. I walked five miles yesterday. I am going to try 5 today. Walk 1, run 3, walk 1.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Work is still interfering

It was chilly yesterday. I decided not to walk since it was my walking day. My feet feel fine today. I have a little soreness when I get out of bed. My right foot is now in better condition than my left. My left used to be fine. Was I favoring it? Plans are to run 2.5 miles today and tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Recap - minor setback

I rode my bike on Saturday and I aggravated my foot. Sunday I walked about 4 miles. Then I walked dogs for 3 hours. My foot was not feeling too good all Sunday afternoon. Foot was bothering me when I got up Monday. The right (problem foot) felt fine - but the left was hurting. I ran my 2.5 miles anyway. Foot hurt a few times during the day.

This morning - Tuesday - my feet are slightly uncomfortable. I am thinking that I will run my 2.5 miles again and see how she goes.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I did two miles and I am feeling fine.

Yesterday I did my 2 miles. I plan on adding some cycling to the mix this morning also. Ironman Florida is this morning. Peeps should be arriving at the race site as I type this. It looks to be an excellent day for a race there today. Good luck to all of the contestants. Mere mortals are soon to be converted to Ironmen before our very eyes. But not w/o a little pain. Dreams will both be realized and shattered today. Hard work does not guarantee success.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Yesterday - no running

No running yesterday. I walked 4 miles. This morning my feet feel great. In fact I didn't even notice them when I got of bed. I am planning on running 2 miles this morning. The weather looks as if it is going to be great. I may take a nice tan today at the gym. The sun is going to be out in full force. The temp is expected to be nice.