Oh - yeah!

This is what yesterday felt like. I am sore. Back to training. Yesterday was my first day back in the gym in manymany moons. I wimped out Friday. Temps were in the forties and I swam outside in it and there was drizzle. After nearly six months of not being in the pool, it was a pretty nice experiance. I did lots of sets of 100's. I was actually able to feel powerful for each beginning 50. I felt weak pretty much for the remaing 50. Dedication - swimming outside in the cold! I ended up with 2500 yds. First weight day since Late May. I always did hate weight training. I feel as if I can lift about 50% of where I was at 5 years ago. This is going to be a real struggle to see if I can get back to where I was. I was miserable back then when I had the motivation that I needed. I got to see some familiar faces thet I had not seen in many months. I saw the swim coach and informed of my plans to return to masters.
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