This is it! - The day - My last day of being a mere mortal

Well - not exactly. But today should be my last school day. That means more time for training - starting tommorrow. One of the first things I have to do is buy a computer for the bike. I have been riding for years w/o a computer and have just done fine. The computer used to ruin so many rides for me. It is there staring me in the face. Seems like my computer was always screaming at me that I wasn't going fast enough. My computer broke a few years ago. I bought some replacements, the complicated kind that I never could figure out how to work. You know the kind - just like the heart monitors. They have 3000 page manuals. One thing that I have learned. Buy the chepest heart rate monitor and the cheapest cyclocomputer. You just need a few functions - the rest is really just bullshit bells and wistles - and if you are one of those people who has time to learn all of those functions - well you have way too much time on your hands. Well anyway - since I have not had a cyclocomputer, all of my rides have been much better. But that's over. Back to the pain.
BTW: Whan I actually purchase the computer, I will probably get the deluxe model which looks like the image above.
I agree on the HR montiors. Mine just crapped out. It was a cheapo and lasted for 2 1/2 years. I think another cheapo for me!
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