Saturday, December 30, 2006

Closing week out

Kids - I am sick and done with them.

Boy and his future wife are dissapointing more and more as time goes on. I hope to put them on hold for a while.

Time to spend more time with wife.

Running miles so far: 4 + 4.5 + 4.5 + 4.5 = 17.5

I am heading to the gym this morning to try some weights and cardio. Trying to get ready for the new year. I am going to start heading back to the gym everyday.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Its official - I am fat again

The clothes went from OK to snug in a week. I stepped back on the scale and I am 163. I ate alot still yesterday.

I ran 4 on Tuesday and 4.5 yesterday. I am planning on running 4.5 in a few minutes. I will be back to the gym next week. We can never win this battle.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Still in the Holiday

Boy left pissed off last night. It can't be the holidays without having family pissed off, right?

Anyhow, I ran 4 miles yesterday. I was feeling very fat yesterday. How did I compensate,? I ate more cookies!

I am ready to get back on track. Work was slow yesterday. I was bored. The temps were cold. I had to work outside yesterday.

Day after XMAS


XMAS is finally over. The new year is approaching and I am trying to determine my goals for the upcoming year.

Reflections on the past year:

Body: Got my body in shape and did the Hawaii IM.
Employment: I stayed employed, made a lot of money. I did a pretty good job overall.
Family: I payed alot of attention to wife. I attempted a did pretty good balance with mixing training and marrige.
Mind: Nada - nothing
Soul: nada

What I am feeling now:
Working out: It is hard, it takes time. It takes commitment. I have taken a lot of time off since the Ironman. I am feeling worse. The difference is easy to see. I feel weight gain. I know that must not let it go. Winter is hard for me. I don't like to swim in the winter. I don't like to run in the winter. The gym is too far, and boring. I like the people. I must refocus.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas eve.

I survived the parents XMAS party. Thank you Pam! Pam came into our lives; she is my step mom. She went through our normal XMAS get together and survived a few years. She was somehow able to straighten the mess out. We just get together w/o all of the gifts. It is sooooo much nicer. It was the second best XMAS visit with them ever.

Today - it is me and wifie. No one else. Son may come over for a while if he is able to catch up with us. We have the whole day by ourselves, then we have a low key party tonight.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Saturday morning - xmas eve eve

Christmas eve eve. Daughter is living out of town having a baby. Son is in, but not staying with me. Wife seems healthy and happy. My financial prospects look really good for the upcoming year. My parents are happy and well. Brothers and sisters seem pretty good. Son is getting married in 2007.

More things are positive than negative.

I plan on running this morning. How much? Don't rightly know. I was going to the gym, but I decided that I need to get to the mall and get my wife her gifts instead.

I will make it to the gym soon enough.

I am bored. I bought a new stereo for the jeep so I can again listen to the ipod. The Porsche can't get here soon enough. But because it won't get here, I can save more money in my 401K.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Poser - a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not.

Am I a poser? I did Hawaii Ironman. I did not race. I trained and did the race to the best of my abilities. I completed it.

Are the winners the only real contestants? Are the rest posers? I became familiar with the word by lurking in the Porsche forum. I am getting one, but I found out that may be a poser. Because of this and that. I guess it comes with the territory.

Posing. What gives?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Thursday morning

I am having a hard time sleeping.

Yesterday no workout, but did 2 miles Tuesday. So I have 5 total for the week. I ate bad yesterday. The weather is getting cold. It will be harder to start working out because of the cold weather. But anyway January 1 marks the start of hump of cold weather to me. I start counting down until the summer.

I am already dreaming of laying out by the pool more this year.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tuesday morning

Yesterday I jogged for two miles. I will try it again. I feel fine. The stretching is the key.

Total: Sunday = 1, Monday = 2; 1 + 2 = 3.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Slow start

OK people - Yesterday - Sunday I went back to the gym. I haven't been there in a while. I did 2 hours. That includes 1 mile running, the arc trainer, stretching, elliptical, and weights. My weight is still about 158. I might try and run everyday this week. My leg was OK since I stretched after running. I think that I should stretch everyday.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Nothing much

OK - we are here and about one week away from Christmas. I made my list. I have to buy some more presents. I hope to be finished today. I will not be too stressed out. I have a plan. Whenever I have a plan, I can cope much better.

Excercise. I have been excercise free for a week. My body can feel it. I am slipping. I have a little more to go and hopefully I can pull myself back together. I am drifting. I feel as if I hav no direction or control. I will be starting school again. I will be working OT. Will there be time for working out in the future? Time will tell.

My achilles is in bad shape. It took about a week to feel better. I have not stretched. I am really letting my body go. Priorities.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Last year at this time

Last year at this time I was envying CrackHeadFe for being a triathlete. Well, now I am on the downslope heading back to mere mortal status. I have built myself up over last year and somehow gotten myself in shape. I see, feel, hear, smell, and know that I am getting weaker and weaker by the moment. But I do not care. I am shifting my focus. I am focusing on material things. Balance, I must achieve balance. I will - in time.

Focus on paying for that expensive sport car that very few acquire. Work work you fool. January I will somehow redirect my energies.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dear diary

Dear diary - My achillies hurt for most of the day yesterday. I walked on it most of the day and as the day went on it hurt less. It is sore this morning. I probably will not notice it this morning after I do some walking.

I will probably dedicate myself to work all this week again. I am skipping the gym so can be there at 6am. I am too much in demand.

Wifie seems to be feeling better. She is going through some health issues. We hope it is just a minor setback.

Last year at this time I had signed up for the Gulf Coast IM and Hawaii IM. IM hawaii. It was on TV a few days ago. It is an inspiring thing to watch. I cannot beleve that was an actual participant. I am sooooo lucky.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunday - Larry Fuselier - 10K

Woke up to kind of a cold misty morning. The weather channel convinced me that there would be no rain, so I headed out the door to the 10k. Turnout was about the same as last year. These long distance races don't get a lot of turnout.

My nagging injury is still there an I didn't do many miles last week.

My splits:
Mile 1: 7:54
Mile 2: 8:32
Mile 3: 7:52
Mile 4: 6:49
Mile 5: 7:25
Mile 6: 7:22
Finish: 47:30 = 7:40 avg per mile

OK - I need to set some goals here. I need to figure things out before the end of the year so I can get after em.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

What a difference a year makes!

I kind of like this on line blog stuff. I get to look back at where I was a year ago. I get to see how much I have accomplished. I get to see how my priorities get mixed up - change - whatever.

This time last year I was celebrating the end of school. I was celebrating the end of the commute.
I was trying to get in shape for triathlon training. I was thinking of buying a used Porsche.

School finished! But I am returning to school - who would have thought.

Commuting. I am trying to figure out if I want to again commute an hour - the other direction for a big shot job! I am a dumb shit.

Training. I went from overweight to completing the finest endurance event in the world. The world will be watching it on TV today. Yep, the world. There are two types of people in the world: the ones who people watch and the ones that are DOING - the ones being watched. Well today I will be one of the watched. Today, the watchers will dream of doing the Triathlon as they relax and drink their beers. Some - a few - VERY few will actually be motivated in some way. Maybe a 5K, or something. Well anyway - enjoy the moment because I am getting fat as I type.

The Porsche thing! My dream car! Today I am going to finalize my colors and options. I am getting a new one - a virgin. I am a stupid ignorant weak individual. But this car is sexy. I am weak.

Friday, December 08, 2006

no exceise today or yesterday

Thursday - I got my monthly meltdown.

I was sick as a dog. Ended up feeling better after some much needed rest. Got my haircut and went for my final interview. The job is mine, I just have to find out what they are willing to pay.

I want the job, but don't want the commute. I don't think that the job will lead me to better quality of life. I feel as if this opportunity might be my last to move in the computing field.

Oh well. Wednesday I ran my 4.5 miles. Today it is 31, but feels like 21. I am skipping. I am going to run my 10k on Sunday.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Man my life is taking a turn for the boring. Work, money, things, ...

I need to break from the normal. Yeterday I ran 4.5 miles. I need to get back to the gym. Another interview tommorrow. Then maybe we can get some things behind us and move towards the future.

It is still cold. I hate to run in the cold.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday morning


Prospective employer wants me to meet him on Thursday. I have a lot going on.

Excercise, Yesterday 3 miles run. This morning hope to do 3 more miles. But it is freakin cold outside. I am not happy about that.

Got to make time for XMAS shopping, work, interviews, family, etc..........

When does it end????????

Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday morning post

I just finished my Porsche reading for the morning. I am anxiously awaiting any news about THE car. They are special in every way.

I went to see my sister's house yesterday. It was fantastic. I got in my seven miles (run). Then went to the Porsche dealer to check if another car with midnight blue came in. No luck.

I hope to run 6 miles this morning.

This week I look forward to pretty much work and more work.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Not much to report

I have made the journey back to being a common man. I am a mere mortal once again. I have skipped the gym many consecutive days. It is easy. Work, holidays, cold, rain - these are all of my excuses.

I hope to run today - I will let you know.

The Porsche - it has been a month and no progress. Patience is the key. I am busy so it is easy. The delays will only help my financial picture. If I can delay till March, that gives me much more time to put money in my 401k.

I went to my interview and all went well. I talked with my boss and he assured me that I would recieve a substantial raise. We will talk again on Monday. More to come. Things are good and easy for me right now.

I will be travelling to Lafayette to see my sisters house. I have never been there. It will be nice and fun.