I kind of like this on line blog stuff. I get to look back at where I was a year ago. I get to see how much I have accomplished. I get to see how my priorities get mixed up - change - whatever.
This time last year I was celebrating the end of school. I was celebrating the end of the commute.
I was trying to get in shape for triathlon training. I was thinking of buying a used Porsche.
School finished! But I am returning to school - who would have thought.
Commuting. I am trying to figure out if I want to again commute an hour - the other direction for a big shot job! I am a dumb shit.
Training. I went from overweight to completing the finest endurance event in the world. The world will be watching it on TV today. Yep, the world. There are two types of people in the world: the ones who people watch and the ones that are DOING - the ones being watched. Well today I will be one of the watched. Today, the watchers will dream of doing the Triathlon as they relax and drink their beers. Some - a few - VERY few will actually be motivated in some way. Maybe a 5K, or something. Well anyway - enjoy the moment because I am getting fat as I type.
The Porsche thing! My dream car! Today I am going to finalize my colors and options. I am getting a new one - a virgin. I am a stupid ignorant weak individual. But this car is sexy. I am weak.