Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Wall race results

End of January. Last day of Jan 2007. Now what?

  1. My results:

    33 112 47 M 51:02 8:14

    Yeah it sucks, but guess what?
  2. I can still walk.
  3. My achillies hurt for awhile
  4. but I feel as if I could still run.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Going through the insecurities

I am buying a Porsche and it is driving me crazy.
Number 1 : I made the agreement in Nov or Dec. and I have been waiting since.
Number 2: I have to borrow some money to pay for this thing. I haven't been in debt in many years.
Number 3: Since I am in debt, it is a commitment to work. I don't like that commitment. I kind of like the ability to say "later" any time of the day any day of the week.
Number 4: I really need this car like I need another hole in my head.
Number 5: I don't have any place to put this car.

The future will reveal if this is a mistake or not.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Race day - the wall

50 degrees - cloudy and windy. I am already registered for "The Wall". I am injured and have not run since "Jackson Day". I am going to get my shirt and run, walk, or crawl 10K. The race is a 18.something mile race.

Last night me and wifie were adventuresome and went to a Bimmer club meeting. It was different. I am constantly learning out how to interact socially. Deep down I really don't find very many people interesting. I had a so-so time. I guess I would go again.

I did my weekly weight regiem yesterday and my cardio.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Financial planning

Me and wifie went to the financial planner. It will be expensive, but we need to get our house back in order.

Hopefully they can get us back on track and heading down the road.

Yesterday I was still at 165. I ate out lat night, am eating out tonight and tommorrow night. Will it never end? I plan on going to the gym this morning. I only skipped one day this week because of the funeral.

Friday, January 26, 2007

2 weeks in school

Got past the 2 week mark and all is well. I am not liking this no grade thing. However when I get home, wifie tells me she has some thing. A sickness, virus, disease something or other. But the person messed up in the lab, so she doesn't know if she has it or not. What?

Oh and I went to a funeral yesterday. My Aunt Yalonde. I never knew her as well as I should have. She was special. But we are all special. I have to get over my pettiness with others.

Yesterday since I had a suit on I skipped the gym.

Me and wifie are going to the financial planner this afternoon. I may skip the gym this morning in case wifie wants to talk.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

165 lbs

Howdy - I am stuck at 165 lbs (+/-). Clothes are fitting, some a little more snug than others. I guess I can hang. This is my third week that I am not running. I am just doing my arc trainer daily 1000 calories. I watch VH1 and lister to IPOD. It is not getting too boring yet.

But - what is keeping me interested in life currently is my Digital Forensics class. It is pretty interesting. I have much to learn.

What is keeping me down is work. I work both under and on top of idiots. I am caught between idiots. I keep losing my cool.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Back to school

The computers went down at work, so I went to school today to change my course from credit to audit. Imagine - taking a class and not having to worry about grades. I can concentrate on learning. I went back to work and the computers were still down. People are just sitting around talking. I had to get out of there. People are so funny to me. I cannot seem to waste my time - even if I am getting paid. I will use vacation.

I ordered an Ibook for the wifie. I have always wanted an apple. If it works out, I may order a desktop for me.

Backs better and the Saints lost

My back is better. It is time to get back to work. I am going to continue with my cardio (1) hour a day. I seem to be maintaining my weight.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Back injury

Yesterday I was trying to be good and do my weekly weights. I was returning a 45 lb weight to the tree and I twisted and my back gave out. I am better, but yesterday I was out of commision. I may go to the gym today, but I am not sure.

I went out to dinner last night with parents, wifie and uncle. I had a great time other than back pain. My clothes are already washed. I need to maybe just take a nap and watch the Bears/Saints game. I may try and get my hair cut today.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

First massge

I got my forst massage yesterday. I guess I am going to try and get them once a week for a month and then do them on a periodic basis. It was very relaxing. The girl was definatly too gentle on me.

I had to work out in the evening last night. It was different, but I really am used to doing this stuff in the morning.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wifie is sick

Wifie got really sick in Hawaii and her illness is back. She went to the doctor yesterday and he did a biopsy. She will get the results in a week. Hopefully she will feel better quickly.

She says that I am a pain in the ass when I am not feeling well. Sheis just as bad or not worse!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Software sales

I made another software sale. I love selling software that I wrote 10 years ago. I never tire of cashing checks that do not have any labor associated with them.

I went to my computer forensics class last night. I am excited. The course should be interesting.

Yesterday, I jjust did the arc trainer for an hour and I was a pound or two lighter. School may help or hurt my weight. Yesterday, I skipped dinner but ate a yogurt before I went to sleep. So I burned more and consumed less. But I think the extra hours may make me more tired where I skip the gym in the morning.

I am going to order my books in a few minutes.

I am back and I just ordered my books. They were free for me. My company just paid for them. Any computer related stuff is 100% deductable. My course, my mileage, all kinds of stuff is deductable.

School. It was kind of cool to go back last night. I feel kind of robbed by my last semester. I was going to kind of really enjoy my last semester when the hurricane struck and wiped everything out. I never did really return to the university to check things out. I had to finish up at a beat up old building in Jefferson Parish. Hard to believe that was already a year ago.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not much to post

I looked at what I was doing last year at this time. I quit posting. I think work started to pick up around this time last year. I can feel it picking up again. I did 50.5 hours last week. I will probably do 50 this week. So that will give me an average of 45 for the first month. I want to work a little OT because that will help me fill up the 401K faster. The max is 15.5 K. I am able to contribute 1k per week or 15.5 weeks or 3.5 months. The Ot will let me contribute in about 3 months.

Car will be here in late Feb, so the payments start in late March. This coincides with the completion of my 401K contributions.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Back from Florida

Quick post this morning. I am almost out of time.

Eating habits were as bad as they get. This week will be a challenge. I have to start school, workout and put in OT. I will be a busy little beaver. I also have to visit with relatives this weekend. More crappy eating.

I visited with the grandkids in Florida this weekend. I will not see them very often anymore. They are gone. I don't know. I am feeing conflicting emotions. I know my daughter's will not work out. I know my grandkids lives will not be great. The circumstances that they are living look grim from my view. It is a sad story that you think happens to other people. I gain evidence every day that helps support my conclusion that people truly lead the lives that are of their own choosing. Kids don't though. I hope that my grandkkids decide not to live in the way that my daughter is teaching them.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Heading in the right direction?

I have put the brakes on but I am still sliding in the wrong direction. The momentum of my gluttonous behavior is dragging me in the wrong direction. I went out for my anniversary dinner. I ate my ass off. I am travelling to Florida for the weekend. I will probably not eat well either. My weight is a solid 167. My pants are getting tighter.

But in my defense, I have been going to the gym. It is just not enough. I missed 2 days during the week and I will miss the 2 days on the weekend. That equates to less than 50% of available days, I did NOT work out. Note to self: quit eating so damn much!

Circumsatnces are preventing me from working out. School starts next week. Excuses.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy anniversary

Roses for the wife. She will be surprised. Our union was pretty good last year. If this year is as good as last year, I will be a truly hapy man.

Bad news yesterday: weight was up. I did slightly less than 1 hour cardio yesterday.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday - a day off

I took yesterday off - not because I wanted to - but because of work related activities. My heel feels much better this morning. I am going to spin and do elliptical this morning.

Oh yeah. Gotta order flowers for wifie tommorrow.

And wifie is going to attmpt the NY marathon. I hope that she can get in.

The pic says it all! If she attempts it I will be really proud of her. It is a pretty difficult thing to do. The difficulty is not the physical thing, but the dedication thing. You can do it wifie!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Morning after race report

OK - I could barely walk this morning when I got out of bed. The weight on my heel was not good at all. This brought back reminders of how I was feeling last May. My racing is done. I need massage and rest. My running is probably over for the next few months. I will try and heal.

I am attaching some images of me and wifie. She has started running and we are trying each other out. We never have really excercised together. Hopefully we can continue.

I got a new camera and these are just some practice photos.

The first photo is of me and wifie before we went to Jackson day race.

The second and third are of me and wifie in Audobon Park after our New Years day jog in the park.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jackson day race report

Got my ass kicked.

Mile 1: 7:42
Mile 2: 7:45
Mile 3: 8:01
Mile 4: 8:30
Mile 5: 8:30
Mile 5.6: 4:31
Total: 44:52 = 8:01 min/mile

My achillies hurts. My legs hurt. I need to see a massage therapist. I am going to look into seeing one asap. Tommorrow I have to go to Chalmette training. So I must skip the gym. I can run around the neighborhood if I can get my legs to recover. I am going to work on taxes after I write this. My wife is watching playoff football.

Today is Jackson Day Race

Today is the JDR. Yesterday - did my weights and an hour of cardio. I was good until I slamed down a bunch of cookies and chips during the playoff game. I drank some beers and also ate a crappy dinner. I have lost all self control.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday morning

Great financial news. I got a super raise. I am making more money than I have ever dreamed that I could be making.

I do not know if I can ever afford not to work again. The more money they pay me, the more greed sets in.

Tomorrow is the Jackson day race. My wife is doing it. My Bro and sis-in-law r doing it. I hope to have a great time in the morning. I don't expect to do real well. I am just going to jog it and see what happens. The weather forecast predicts some rain so it may not be too great.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday morning - end of a moderate week

OK - we have finished the first week of the new year and I have done pretty good excercise wise.

The Porsche is finally set in stone. It will be finished being built at nearly the end of the month. I should be crusing in Feb, March.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Not much to report

Just another day at the office and in the gym. Weight is still more than what I would like. The problem is that I can't seem to quit eating at work and having a few drinks at night.

I filled up my first football pool at work. Those things take time, but I was able to walk around and visit many in the company.

Getting back to a routine

OK, Tuesday is behind us. I made it to work at 7:15 yesterday. I stayed at thee gym for about 1.5 hours. I ran 4 and did spinning for a 1/2 hour. I am not sure what I will do this morning. I may try the arc trainer and the stair master. I also need to mix in weights.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tax time

I am somewhere about 5 lbs - 8 lbs lighter than last year. I was not in shape last year. It seems as if I am better than I was last year in every way.

It is tax time. I am sat here facing a lot of paper work. I think I am behind compared to last year. But i will get it done. I have pressure looming on me to finish. I have to go to Florida soon and I have other commitments.

I am heading to the gym for the first time this year. It is not important what I do today, only that I actually do it.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The year of Deb - we are living it

The year of Deb. Me and wifie went to Audobon Park to jog. We jogged and walked a total of 4 miles. Not a lot for me, but I got to do something with the wife. Much more important to me. This is the year of Deb.

The park was not too nice because of the lack of people. I would have normally went jogging by myself, but I was concerned for my wife's safety, so we walked and jogged together. It turned out nicer that way. Wifie was cold when the wind was in our face.

My weight: 164 lbs. I need to get in the gym right away.

Happy new year

I am up early and feeling great. Reflecting on a great 2006 is over and time to move towards 2007. I am going to fix my blog up after this post. I am going to keep track of my workout statistics this year.

This year is going to be great for me and the wifie. We have a lot of expectaions for a great year. She is going to work on getting some six-pack abs.

I vow to make time to hang out at the pool relaxing more this year. I vow to go back to school this semester. I vow to maintain my physical fitness. I vow to be a nice, generous, happy person. I will not be mean. I will treat others how I want to be treated.

I am starting the year at 161.5 lbs. My pants are snug. I feel so-so. I worked out everyday last week but Monday. I vow not to get to wrapped up in competition. I will excercise for the health of it. I will attempt not to get to wrapped up in work.

Lets see how it ends up. I wish you a great new year dad, step mom, brothers, sisters, in-laws, ex wife, son, daughter, grandkids, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews. May we all have a great year. To the soldiers fighting for I am not sure, stay safe and keep yourselves alive.

God please help our president, he has lost his mind.