Triathlon! I like it - I hate it.
Triathlon - It is everything to me - it is a waste of time.
Triathlon - It will build you full of confidence - It will strip your confidence away.
Triathlon - it takes a lot of time - it takes commitment.
I dream it - I desire it. I have the most wonderful memories.
It has exposed me to so much - the pain, the suffering, the rewards, the commitments. I will never be sorry.
Now I am entering what may be the final phase. I am going to see my PT. I hope to get better. If there is no cure to my ailment, then I will become a non-athlete. Oh well?
Some pluses. I have spent some volunteer time at the local animal shelter. It is fulfilling. I am finally doing nice things. I am so happy that I am in a position to do it. Triathlon training does nopt afford me to do many things. It takes way to much time.
I revisiteed last year. I was close to Kona. Kona was the same as trriathlon. It was great and awful at the same time. I have the memories. It still feels like a dream. It was a whirlwind.
My memories. I was in great shape. Being in great shape is like life. It is an instant. It is hard to hold on to. It seems easy at the time, but it is but a fleeting moment. It is temporary. It is to be cherished and savored.