The early morning - I love it

The early morning. I love it.
I routinly get up at 3am, sometimes 2am, and even 1am. I love the quiet. It is like the house and the entire world belongs to me. I sit alone in my room with nothing but the sounds you can only hear in the quiet. The click of the mouse and the keyboard. The cclonging of the grandfather clock downstairs, the nice music coming from my desktop, the distant thunder of an approaching thunderstorm. It is peaceful and tranquel.
I find myself drooling over Porsche photos. I cannot get enough of em. I spent hours searching the net to find a photo of a similar looking car that I ordered. I can't wait. The waiting will add to the experiance......
Yesterday, I worked on the Arc triner for about 15 minutes. I did a full weight workout and followed with my stretch.
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