First ride of the year

Anyway, I have an enjoyable easy 25 miler wher I average 18 mph. It was windy, I rode easy and had a few spurts where I gave it some good effort. My ass is probably too sore to ride again today.
So, I finish my ride and work on my clothes and end up taking mommy-cat out to Martin's wine cellar for lunch in our very new Porsche 997. We have a delightful lunch and drive around Bucktown dreaming of buying one of the new homes under construction.
We come home and I wash the Porsche and put it back away (it has 700 miles). I wash more clothes. Mommy-cat watches Nascar. We end up coming back upstairs to do more filing.
Good news: We are almost finished filing. Next week, maybe we can finally finish the finances. If we don't finish we can probably be very close. We are moving very close to our April 15th. We will find out how much we have to pay the US Government. It is always a big mystery.
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