Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday - June 29

Good news. I will be getting my trail 70 in pretty soon. The guy finally shipped it. Better late than never.

Physical Therapist: Went to see him and liked him. He thinks he can get me running again in 3 weeks. I will see him again today. He has me stretching and doing some stuff I have never done before. I went to see him about my heel and he found a problem with my calf!!!

Yesterday I took off. I slept in.

Monday - swam and weights.

Monday, June 26, 2006

17 weeks till Ironman

Today I seek the advice of a foot specialist. Planter is healing up and I want the advice on how to best proceed.

Biking is coming along nicely. Friday I biked 75 in searing 100 degree heat. I was miserable after about mile 50-60. Sat was a rest day. Sunday did 75 miles. I can feel myself getting stronger. I am still getting butt and back in shape. Mph avg for fri was below 18. mph on sun was over 18 and sun was a lot windier.

My swimming is going along OK. I will return to my normal routine today minus the running. I hope to get in my afternoon bike workouts. If all goes OK this week, I should have 60 during the week + 160 in the latter part of the week + spinning. This my friends is a lot of biking for me. I cannot help but get better.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Week 18 day 1

Swam at least 3000 yds yesterday. My allergies did not appear, so that scare went away. I did my leg weight workout, my cool dip and did some minor stretching.

I continue to investigate on the web about bicycle gearing. I am studying the inclines on the hawaii bike course. I will hopefully solve this puzzle over the next couple of weeks.

Dave Scott's triathlon camp recomends: As regards gearing, we recommend that you have a minimum of a 23 - 25 gear on the rear. In addition, if you are looking for more gear rations, we also recommend using a compact crank on the front to get better gear ratios so you can spin up the rolling climbs in case there is a lot of wind.

I don't want to add a triple, so I think the recommendation will work for me.

Today, I hope to add running back into the mix.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Beginning week 18 training

My wifes trips are out of the way. We finished the Jeff Gordon driving school.

This is a assesment week for me.

1> Find out about swim alergies.

2> Test my running injury.

3> Start back at full weight training.

4> Continue the incremental milage on the biking.

Accept no more excuses.

Today: swim, weights, stretching, cool dip.
Tuesday: Spin, run 6 miles, stretching, cool dip, ride outdoors 30 mi.
Wed: swim, weights, stretching, cool dip.
Thur: Spin, run 6 miles, stretching, cool dip, ride outdoors 30 mi.
Friday: ride outdoors 75 mi.
Sat: offday
Sunday: assess my running and maybe try out a 13 miler.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Week 19 is coming to a close

My training is so unstructured compared to my last IM. For instance, I am heading to Dallas for a long weekend. I would have never done thaat last time. I will get my long ride (70 mi) in today. I am still recovering from my allergy attack. I skipped swimming all last week. I am still hoping that when I get in the pool Monday that I don't have another attack. I didn't do any weights last week. I will start that up again. And my running has been shut down for a full two weeks. Nothing but riding!!!! Hopefully I will be back to all four next week and for the remaining 18 weeks.
I will be in Dallas for the weekend watching my wife go round and round a track in a NASCAR race car. I hope she likes it.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Training for IM is a humbeling experiance

Training for an IM is a humbeling eperiance. Just when things are clicking, things happen that bring you to your knees. My 17 mile run a week ago introduced me to plantar fasciitis.

The pain was bad, I have been icing and stretching it and I stopped running for a week. I decided to give it a two week rest.

Since I suck on the bike, I have put in the extra time biking that I would ordinarily be running. Over the past week: 25 miler Tuesday, 30 miler Thursday, 60 miler Friday and 65 miler Sunday. This equals 180 miles. A lot for me. I also spent some time spinning at the gym.

I am nervous this morning as I am recovering from a bad alergy. I was sick all weekend, but I still managed my bike ride. I experianced this allergy from the pool before. It was the indoor pool, and I switched to the outdoor pool and magically I could swim again. I hope that I am not allergic to the outdoor pool. This would kill my chances for Hawaii.

Today is my swim workout/weight workout day. I am skipping both. I don't dare try the pool till I am better (hopefully today). My weights would not be very beneficial, because I feel weak.

I have 19 weeks left till IM Hawaii. I will not panic about my running injury till 16 weeks away.

My swimming, I will not panic till Wednesday, when I swim again.

Good news! I solved my long biking problems by buying a more comfortable saddle.

IM Training just humbles me.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Week 19 is a test

Sunday - did my long run. 17 miles. Miles 1 & 2 are not fun, then I settle down and evrything is good until about 14 and things begin to hurt. Man I do not like running far. Woke up Monday and I have that Planter disease. I am none too happy. Took the brown pills, iced her down and my feet feel great today. I don't think I will run on it today. I will spin for two hours this morning and soak it in the cool dip. Then i will ride tonight. I hope I can win this battle. Yesterday swam and went up on my weights by 50%.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday - rest day

I ended up getting in my extra ride on Tuesday, but I missed my Thursday ride. I was supposed to ride longer on my long ride, but I messed that up also. Overall, I didn't meet all of my weekly goals, but I am not far off track. I just purchased a newer more comfortable saddl, and hopefully that will help my long rides.

Weekly total.
M - travelling from Nascar
T - 1 hour run interval - 1 hour spin - 1.5 hours bike
W - 1.5 hrs swim - .5 hurs weights.
T - 2 miles run, 1 hour swim
F - 1.5 hrs swim - .5 hours weights - 3 hour bike ride.
S - off day - visit with my wife and grandson.

10.5 hours not including the long run will make on Sunday.