Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
XMAS is behind us

Man it was cold outside this morning. So to compensate, I overdressed. I had glooves, t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt, fleece jacket, underwae, shorts, sweat pants, shoes and socks. I was really comfy when I went out. A mile into my run, I was hot as hell.
Set out to do 6, but I ended up only 5. Ended up working today. So I am being paid to blog.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Recording Mileage
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Just recording my run milage

Training: Ran my normal 7 mile yesterday (Tues).
School: All grades were supposed to be available yesterday. Got 2 of my grades yesterday, but still have not recieved my third and final grade. I need that final grade so that I can end that chapter of my life. Will I ever get this school thing behind me? Its time to move on already!
Monday - work was great a real breeze - I'm gonna get that brand new shiny, really cool mega excessive speed machine - and I can't believe they're paying so much me to do this!
Tuesday - Reality check! Earth to Tri-portal! Fantasy over! It didn't take me long to recall why I went back to school. Immediate goal: Focus on pushing the Porsche out of my head. Keep the financial freedom - Just keep socking the proceeds away.
Monday, December 19, 2005
I blew it this weekend
I visited with my grandson - both of my grandchildren WILL be a MEGA priority for me now! I worked on the restoration of my Trail 70. Visited my local Porsche dealership.
BUT - if you look at my weekly totals for last week, you will notice that I did strength and swimming. That is BREAKING new ground.
I start my new position today. I can set my new routine today.
Goals for this week and next:
Go to the gym as much as can.
Try and not to indulge too much with liquor and food.
Have a lot of fun at work and at play.
Try and determine if I can work FULL-TIME again (keep repeating to self, I can do it, I like work).
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Oh - yeah!

This is what yesterday felt like. I am sore. Back to training. Yesterday was my first day back in the gym in manymany moons. I wimped out Friday. Temps were in the forties and I swam outside in it and there was drizzle. After nearly six months of not being in the pool, it was a pretty nice experiance. I did lots of sets of 100's. I was actually able to feel powerful for each beginning 50. I felt weak pretty much for the remaing 50. Dedication - swimming outside in the cold! I ended up with 2500 yds. First weight day since Late May. I always did hate weight training. I feel as if I can lift about 50% of where I was at 5 years ago. This is going to be a real struggle to see if I can get back to where I was. I was miserable back then when I had the motivation that I needed. I got to see some familiar faces thet I had not seen in many months. I saw the swim coach and informed of my plans to return to masters.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Back from my mind clearing run
I am burnt out!
I will be working on solutions to these questions for my near future. As I take a few moments to rest, I begin my next journey. The destination has yet to be defined. I will contemplate this as I go on my jog.
Today is supposed to be my first day of triathlon training. I hope to get to the gym and introduce myself to the weights and pool. Nothing much other than to start to develop a routine. Small problems with that though. I have been neglecting wifey. There is always a small price to pay. She is home from work right now and I know she has other plans for me. She has been developing lists, etc. I have to juggle her back into my schedule and allow her to become a priority in my life. More problems to sort out.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
This is it! - The day - My last day of being a mere mortal

Well - not exactly. But today should be my last school day. That means more time for training - starting tommorrow. One of the first things I have to do is buy a computer for the bike. I have been riding for years w/o a computer and have just done fine. The computer used to ruin so many rides for me. It is there staring me in the face. Seems like my computer was always screaming at me that I wasn't going fast enough. My computer broke a few years ago. I bought some replacements, the complicated kind that I never could figure out how to work. You know the kind - just like the heart monitors. They have 3000 page manuals. One thing that I have learned. Buy the chepest heart rate monitor and the cheapest cyclocomputer. You just need a few functions - the rest is really just bullshit bells and wistles - and if you are one of those people who has time to learn all of those functions - well you have way too much time on your hands. Well anyway - since I have not had a cyclocomputer, all of my rides have been much better. But that's over. Back to the pain.
BTW: Whan I actually purchase the computer, I will probably get the deluxe model which looks like the image above.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I don't know how northerners cope!
I just checked the weather site - Rain and cold for the next seven days. Lows in the forties and highs in the fifties. But it is supposed to be nice on XMAS eve. I didn't check for XMAS day.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
My comment to crackheadfe - or why I want to train

T minus (less than 3 days)
Monday, December 12, 2005
Completed two things!

I signed up for Gulf Coast Tri in Panama City. This will give me plenty of motivation to get in shape. I did the race last year w/o much training and it kicked my ass - but I tested a some endurance nutrition information that I had come across in Biology class. So, if I can combine the new info with some proper training, perhaps I can PR at age 46.
Also signed up for IMHawaii lottery. The gulf coast tri will give the required 1/2 finish. Now, after I finish school next week, I will get a USTA card, since will be doing at least 6 races this year. I will start searching and signing up at about the first of the year.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Oh yeah!!!!

Good and bad today. Well not really bad. I feel great! I just finished my first 10k in a while. Not a great finish and I had problems. And yes, this is the time to work out problems.
Well, for me it was:
a. (1) mile race.
b. a (1) mile jog and stretch when all of my muscles tightened like a vise.
c. a (1) mile kind of loosining up run.
d. a (5k) sloppy finish on some really messed up legs.
mile 1: 7:46
mile 2: 9:51
mile 3: 8:15
mile 4: 7:23
mile 5: 7:40
mile 6: 7:43
finish: 50:15 = 8:06 min/mile with a 7:35 per mile 2nd half.
Yep, I gots lots to work on. I think I can solve the cramping. I can solve the speed. I only ran (4) times this week for a total of 28 miles.
This is the first time I was able to drive this area of the city. The race was real near Audobon Park. I live here and I still cannot fathom the extent of devistation that the hurricane has left here. My eyes open every time I go to a different part of the city. It's bad over here.
The attendance for the race was much lower than the previous 2 races. I hope that this was just unusual. I will count the attendance and repost, so we can look at trends.
School - yep got to go study. I will finish Thursday ar Friday. Yes - I will start to live again.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
(7) more days and counting
Today is starting out awesome. Yesterday was my last day at my EX-Job. No more commuting to Belle Chasse, LA. I don't start my new job for a week and a half. Hence I am unemployed and it is nice. It is an empowering feeling to not be employed. Five years ago, I quit my job and voluntairaly stayed unemployed for a year and a half. It was the best move I ever made in my life. Being w/o a job for 1.5 years made me truly understand what money I require to live on and proved to me that I can generate the income to sustain a modest lifestyle.
This creates an self enclosed atmosphere of confidence that is empowering while being a part of the workforce.
Man, am I glad to be out of that place I just left!
The unfortunate part of the story is that I must spend most of my freshly found freedom on studying.
The above was yesterdays post.
Anyway yesterday did my 7 mile levee loop and today did my 7 mile levee loop.
Today ain't as nearly nice. The weather is crappy now. Cold, wet, and dreary.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
T minus eleven days and counting!!!!!
Today ran with just shorts and no shirts and it is December 4th. Forecast shows that the cold weather is coming. It will be long sleeeves from here on out.
I can hardly wait for those 5:30 am pool swims in 40 degree air temps. I used to swim inside, but I developed alergies to inside pool water. I never had the problem before last year. It was miserable.
I started my research on swim workouts (er, well completed my search). It was easy to find one. I just want to be able to really be able to swim for about an hour. I only need some type of structure with a warm up, some hard work and a cool down. I am not expecting much. I also need to get on a spin bike to break in my saddle. I seem to recall that it will take a few weeks of uncomfortableness on that bike saddle.
Today did my normal ez 7 mile levee run which again closes me out for a 35 mile total for the week.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Twelve days and counting!!!!!
I am planning to jump right into swimming and weight training while maintaining my 30 - 35 mile per week running. I will immediatly add speed work to my running once or twice a week. I will start spinning at the gym hopefully for twice a week. I will add swimming with the masters twice a week. I don't like to ride outside in cold weather, so I will do inside riding.
Today's run: my regular ez seven mile levee run. Today was warm and muggy. I was still grading all of my recently added music on my IPOD.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Little late on my post

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Meditate to Soma FM

Today' quote:
It is never too late to be what you might have been.
George Eliot
I am finding (a little) time to read other triathlon bloggers. I have added two links and will add more as I investigate into other bloggers.
Anyhow, another awesome day. I got up before dawn and did an ez 7 miler and got back before sunup, so I missed my sunrise. It was a chilly 44 degrees. It was kind of miserable (cold) until I had completed a mile. I felt fresh and light which is a major improvement over last week. I felt like running further, but I ended my run at 7 anyway. After: took my shower and went to our neighborhood Winn Dixie so I could make dinner for my awesome wifee.
I am chilling here upstairs in my office as I meditate to Groove Salad on SOMA FM. Man, I cannot ever go back to broadcast radio after listining to Internet radio. I have been neglecting my IPOD lately and it requires some fresh music.