Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday's Workout

Weight: 168. My clothes are fitting better, but my weight is not going down.

Did full set of weights and did twenty minutes of elliptical trainer.

Saturday workout and Sunday's race report


Jackson Day race report:


Started out too strong. I started @ 7:06 pace. My goal was 8:00. Need to work on that. Patience! Igave up on mile 4. My split was 7:59. If I would have posted that time during my first mile, I would have had a much better o'all result.


I made my goal: I ran 7:28/mi pace. My goal was 7:30. My stretch goal was 7:15. If I had run my race, I think I might have had a shot at it. I recovered during mile 4 and was able to turn up the hea at the finish. I finished the last .6 @ a 7:03 pace.

1) 7:06
2) 7:30
3) 7:21
4) 7:59
5) 7:39
5.6) 4:14
Total: 41:51 = 7:28/mi


Did my six mile subdivision course. It was cold. I kind of jogged it.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Swim today

Swam today for an hour 2200 yrds (22) X 100 all easy. Weight 167.5 lbs. All you yankees out there in cyberspace, eat your heart out. It is mid January and I swam outside. The temp was 67 degrees. A bit chilly for us from the South. Hopefully it will warm up a bit! Think of that when you are shoveling that white powdery stuff.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Spin again

Did spinning again. It took me longer to warm up today. My percieved excertion was much more relative to heart rate. Need to keep using the monitor.

Getting back in to the groove with the gym.

Weight 168 lbs.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Roses for the wife

Ran my six mile subdivision course. Decided to skip the gym. BTW, made my wife's day yesterday with a dozen roses. So I wanted to sleep in to reap the rewards if you know what I mean!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Goals for this weekends Jackson Day:

Jackson Day Race

9K (5.6 miles)* Sunday, January 15, 2006 * New Orleans

I need the following time to "qualify" as a seeded runner:

CCC "C" Group: 40:30 = 7:14 min/mile pace

My History:

I have had three recent races. All various distances: 5k (7:32), 10k (8:06) & half marathon (8:06).

I did speed workouts over the past two weeks @ 7:30 min/mile.

Realistic goal: 7:20 - 7:25 min/mile.
Stretch goal: 7:14 min/mile.

Pace goal: Key!!! Start slow!!! Don't start faster than 7:30. I have never had a good race where I started real fast. My best times always came from races where I started slow and closed.


Back to spinning.

Did (1) one hour @ 80%. It hurt like hell for 1/2 hour, then I must have finally warmed up and it became somewhat comfortable. I sweat like a pig and it felt good.

Weight: Still creeping up. 169 lbs. I know that it is temp.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Sucked: Jogged and walked. Ended up walking about 2 miles.

Ran my seven miler.

Ran my interval set on the treadmill, because I have a race on Sunday and I want to spread out the speedwork over the week.
Weight 168 lbs. I will be much faster when I drop this excess eight lbs.

Stark reality: I don't know if I can get up any more and do my run workout before I go to the gym. I wanted to do that this morning and I just could not get up. Where is the Jean-Paul that used to bounce out of bed @ 2:30-3:00 and go running?

Another reality: If I don't get back into the water quickly, I will not be ready for Gulf Coast. I need one month to develop some swim fitness, so that I can use the other two months to get some really needed swim workouts in. Last year I thought I could just swim three times a week and just swim distance. Man I got creamed in the swim. I was totally unprepared.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Added spinning to the routine

Did spinning today, but I can only afford (1) hour of gym time before work for the next two months. I am going to have to sit down this weekend and massage my schedule. Perhaps I can get more time in on the weekends. My old schedule used to allow me at least two hours in the morning at the gym. Did (1) hour spinning. Anyway 177 lbs. I sweat like a pig (apologies to any pigs) on the bike, but my legs are really weak. I did spinning by myself till class started. It felt good in the class and then I had to walk out after only 15 minutes of class time. Legs are a little sore, but not real sore. I need to wear my heart monitor next time. I will try to swim and run tommorrow. I am thinking (2) days a week of swimming in the morning and 1 day of speed work during the week. Then maybe I can do a run in the morning before gym, then weights at gym. Hell, I don't know! I will try and figure it out this weekend, perhaps over cocktails at 5 today. Later.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Yesterday I had a valid excuse for not working out.

Today I mustered up the courage to get back to the gym. I was able to assess my fitness. Not good. 166lbs. Six lbs I must immediatly lose. I did some stretching and ran six miles. I did my speed workout. The beginning to middle was not too hard, but I had to really struggle through my last interval. I did one mile warm up then 1/4 mi @ 8mph and 1/4 recovery @ 6.5. Yeah I know, I suck. I had to walk my last recovery because the urge to puke was with me for the last mile. I felt OK and jogged my cool down mile. I did the stretching before and after. I timed myself. I must allocate 15-20 minutes to get to work. The gym opens at 5 am. I may only be able to 1.5 hr workouts in the am for the next two months because of my start time.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Monday and Tuesday

Monday was a crappy 5 miler that I actually had to do some walking. Not a good way to start the new year. Got some mental distractions going on that I have to ignore. Today was better, I was abkle to my seven miler. Still not able to get back to the gym. It's getting to where I have to make a decision. I keep finding excuses!

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years eve

Did my seven miler and closed out 2005.

New Years day. Felt like crap. Only had one beer and I can't blame it on the food. Anyway, on to 2006. We went through Katrina, what could possibly be worse?